These summarised accounts are extracted from the Annual Accounts which were approved by the Trustee on 24 June 2022 and which have been submitted to the Charity Commission.
Financial Activities
These figures may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the Charity and the accounting policies adopted in their preparation. The full accounts comply with the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting and Reporting by Charities. For further information the full annual accounts, the Auditors’ Report on those accounts and the Trustee’s annual report should be consulted; copies can be obtained by contacting the Charity at John Lyon’s Charity, Savoy Strand, 105 Strand, London, WC2R 0AA.
Please click here to view the 2022 John Lyon’s Charity Annual Report.
- Financial Summary
Statement of Financial activities
Year ended 31 March 2022
£'000Total Funds
£'000Total Funds
£'000Income and endowment from: Charitable activities 63 - - 63 58 Property investments - - 7,537 7,537 7,161 Investments - - 2,006 2,006 1,501 Other income 2,058 2,058 - Total income and endowment 63 - 11,601 11,664 8,720 Expenditure on: Raising funds - - 2,195 2,195 2,633 Charitable activities 63 14,116 - 14,179 13,231 Total expenditure 63 14,116 2,195 16,374 15,864 Net Gains/(Losses) on Property Investments - - 38,501 38,501 21,704 Net gains and (losses) on investments - - 10,533 10,533 31,767 Net income/(expenditure) (14,116) 58,440 44,324 46,327 Transfers between funds - 14,116 (14,116) - - Net Movement in Funds - - 44,324 44,324 46,327 Reconciliation of funds:
Total funds brought forward1 - 391,724 391,725 345,398 Balance at end of year 1 - 436,048 436,049 391,725 There are no recognised gains or losses except as shown above and all income is derived from continuing activities.
- Balance Sheet
Balance sheet
At 31 March 2022
£'000Fixed Assets Tangible Assets 17 18 Investment properties 262,754 229,326 Investments 170,189 162,117 432,960 391,461 - 66 Current Assets Debtors 1,071 1,070 Cash at bank 6,679 4,224 7,750 5,294 Creditors: due within one year (4,661) (4,740) 3,089 554 Creditor: due within more than one year - (290) Net current Assets 3,089 264 Net Assets 436,049 391,725 Represented by: Endowment fund 436,048 391,724 Unrestricted fund - - Restricted fund 1 1 436,049 391,725 - Bursaries Paid
Paid in 2021/22
£ The John Lyon School £578,985 Harrow School Bursaries £400,164 Christ's Hospital School £182,944 North London Collegiate School £152,449 St James Senior Girls’ School £76,200 Girls Day School Trust £37,156 St Paul's Girls' School £25,887 Godolphin & Latymer School £23,531 Edge Grove £17,893 Orley Farm School £16,464 Lochinver House £15,048 Grand Total £1,526,722 - Borough Allocations
Paid in 2021/22
2021/22 2020/21 Barnet £1,362,000 £1,261,000 Brent £1,972,000 £1,597,000 Camden £1,130,000 £1,168,000 Ealing £1,482,000 £1,215,000 Hammersmith & Fulham £1,270,000 £1,075,000 Harrow £1,310,000 £1,231,000 Kensington & Chelsea £785,000 £954,000 Westminster £1,205,000 £1,040,000 City of London £11,000 £8,000 Discretionary £975,000 £1,197,000 Discretionary - Bursary £1,509,000 £1,474,000 TOTAL £13,011,000 £12,220,000 - Allocation by Programme Area
Paid in 2021/22
2021/22 2020/21 Arts & Science £1,783,000 £1,579,000 Bursaries £1,527,000 £1,508,000 Capacity Building £1,621,000 £721,000 Children & Families £874,000 £870,000 Education & Learning £1,687,000 £1,918,000 Emotional Wellbeing £1,292,000 £1,308,000 Special Needs & Disabilities £944,000 £1,003,000 Sport £579,000 £683,000 Training £314,000 £204,000 Youth Clubs & Youth Activities £1,603,000 £1,760,000 Youth Issues £724,000 £605,000 Restricted Grants £63,000 £61,000 TOTAL £13,011,000 £12,220,000 - Type of Support
Paid in 2021/22
2021/22 2020/21 Apprenticeships £49,000 £79,000 Bursaries £1,620,000 £1,598,000 Direct project costs £4,233,000 £5,488,000 School Explorer Fund - [1] Salary costs £3,312,000 £3,287,000 Unrestricted Core £1,812,000 £1,684,000 Capital - £85,000 Cultural Capital £705,000 - Recovery £556,000 - Replication £224,000 - YPF Small Grants £500,000 - TOTAL £13,011,000 £12,220,000 - Top 40 Grants
Paid in 2021/22
YPF Trust (Core Costs) £150,000.00
Young Ealing Foundation (Core Costs) £120,000.00
Young Brent Foundation (Core Costs) £100,000.00
Young Ealing Foundation (HSC YPF Small Grants) £100,000.00
Young Barnet Foundation (Core Costs) £100,000.00
Young Brent Foundation (HSC YPF Small Grants) £100,000.00
Young Westminster Foundation (Core Costs) £100,000.00
Young Camden Foundation (Core Costs) £100,000.00
Young Hammersmith & Fulham Foundation (Core Costs) £100,000.00
Young K&C (Core Costs) £100,000.00
YPF Trust (NRCSE) £80,000.00
The Media Trust (Communications Capacity Building) £70,000.00
The Primary Shakespeare Company £60,000.00
The Media Trust (Volunteer Films Project) £59,000.00
Northolt High School £50,750.00
Brent Play Association £50,000.00
IPOP £50,000.00
The Wish Centre £50,000.00
Baraka Community Association £50,000.00
Young Harrow Foundation £50,000.00
Young Barnet Foundation (HSC YPF Small Grants) £50,000.00
Young Westminster Foundation (HSC YPF Small Grants) £50,000.00
Young Camden Foundation (HSC YPF Small Grants) £50,000.00
Young Hammersmith & Fulham Foundation (HSC YPF Small Grants) £50,000.00
Young K&C (HSC YPF Small Grants) £50,000.00
The VIP - Violence Intervention Project £50,000.00
Catholic Children's Society (Westminster) £50,000.00
Ignite Youth £50,000.00
Brent Adolescent Centre £50,000.00
Art Against Knives £50,000.00
Young Barnet Foundation £50,000.00
Kingsbury High School £50,000.00
Phoenix Academy £50,000.00
Friern Barnet School £50,000.00
Hendon School £50,000.00
Salusbury World £50,000.00
The Manor School (BSAT - Brent Specialist Academy Trust) £50,000.00
Westminster Special Schools £50,000.00
Ealing Primary Centre £50,000.00